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Proud recipient of "Maharashtra Gaurav 2021- Award" from Minister of Industries.

I am happy to announce that Saarang Arts & Handicraft and myself was recognized with prestigious award “Maharashtra Gaurav” in Mantralaya on July 20th by Maharashtra Minister of Industries, Mr Subhash Desai.

Saarang has been promoting different art forms of home decor, toys, and handicrafts made by artisans, villagers and women from slums. The art made from natural material promotes Indian culture and brings the traditional experiences to the new generation and hence received good acceptance across India and worldwide.

Tweet by Minister of Industries& Mining - Maharashtra Mr. Subhash Desai ...ज्यांनी जोखीम घेऊन उद्योग निर्माण केला, रोजगार निर्माण केले, समाजाचे देणे फेडले, तसेच महाराष्ट्राचे नाव मोठे केले, अशा मराठी माणसांचा सन्मान करताना मला विशेष आनंद झाला." Source : Tweeter

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